Cross Country Course
Our course is currently on 10 acres with 30 connecting acres covered in conditioning trails. Jumps are from 6" to 3' with a focus on the Green As Grass level. Our terrain is varied and offers upper level riders a challenging and convenient conditioning environment. Our water complex and bank complex offer technical practice for everyone. Our ditch complex is under construction!
Open Schooling: Open Daily by Appointment Weather Permitting Schooling Release Form
Scheduled and privately arranged dates available.
Cross country course, dressage arena, outdoor arena, and trails are open
$25 per rider; save by purchasing a Year Pass. Trainers talk to management about benefits of the SHE Membership.
All riders under 18 must have a trainer present. All others encouraged to do the same.
All riders must wear helmets whenever mounted and safety vests are mandatory on the cross country course.
Riders must check in before any mounting with current coggins and releases.
All riders and trainers must have Scissortail Hill Schooling specific releases on file.
Times and rules must be strictly followed.
Have fun, but above all be safe and respectful!

Approximate Jump Count:
Under 12" - 15
12"-2'3" - 30
Above 2'3" - 15
*as of 2/23/19
Scissortail Hill News
Upcoming Events
For SHOW RIDE TIMES please visit our Facebook page.
February 22nd - CTSSA Hunter/Jumper Show
February 8th - Schooling Show #1
March 22nd - Schooling Show #2
Open schooling daily by appointment!
Horse Show photography: